Template - Stealth have used Bullet’s refined and slightly modernized template. This template already has little bit of extra width compared to a lot of the Pro model board on the market, and beefed it up further by thickening the core slightly as well.
It is a perfect all-rounder for all wave sizes & suitable for prone or dropknee riding. The wide-point sits right on the elbows, making it easy to spin on and perfect for driving off your bottom turns. Bullet actually used this shape when he won the infamous '97 Pipe contest, so it's guaranteed to work when the waves are pumping too.
Rails - 55/45 Double Rails
Channels - Graduated Channels
Slick - HD High Density Slick Skin
Deck - Wavecushion Air 8lb PE Deck
Tail - Crescent Tail
Additional Features - Bullet Signature Template , Nose Bulbs and Tail Piece